Tracetest Monthly Newsletter - January 2024

Tracetest Monthly Newsletter - January 2024
Jan 31, 2024
5 min
Adnan Rahic
Staff Developer Advocate

Check out all of the latest and greatest updates in the Tracetest world in our monthly newsletter!

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Table of Contents

Get Started with Observability-Driven Development

Try Managed Tracetest Today

Join the Slack Community here to talk all things Tracetest, get instant support from our team, or simply say hi! If you like what we're doing, and haven't already, leave us a ⭐ on GitHub. Thank you for being part of the community. Your support and feedback are invaluable! ❤️

Hey, Tracetest Community! Happy new year! We wish you a successful 2024. 👏

We are thrilled to share the latest updates and exciting news from the Tracetest community! Take a look at what's happened in the last month. 👇

Hot tip of the day!

Create a test spec shortcut!

To quickly create a test spec from a span attribute, you can select the attribute and click the three dots to expand a menu. Select “Create test spec”, and voila, you can add a test spec right away!

👉 Check it out for yourself in the OpenTelemetry Demo environment!

What’s New with Tracetest 🎉

Tracetest Core v0.15.5 was released with new usability improvements!

New test creation flow. Now you jump right into running a test after selecting the test trigger. Give the test a name after the fact.

Skip trace collection for a test. Trace collection taking forever? You can skip it now if you just want to see the response without the trace data. When running tests on an uninstrumented system, like black box tests, click “Apply to all runs”.

GitHub Actions in the Automate tab. With the release of the Tracetest GitHub Action last month, the team also added the option to run a test with GitHub Actions in the Automate tab.

Get Started Wizard. You’ll have an easier onboarding experience when configuring Tracetest!

Integrations 🤝

Cypress Integration. True end-to-end testing with full system visibility is finally here! Finding issues and failures in microservices is hard. Front-end and API tests are not enough. Tracetest supercharges Cypress tests to validate both the front-end and back-end happy path.

Check out Oscar’s video quick start as well. 🔥

View video on YouTube, here.

And, if you missed the live workshop last week, here’s the recording!

View the video on YouTube, here.

Sumo Logic Integration. Tracetest integrates seamlessly with Sumo Logic by retrieving traces from Sumo Logic's API endpoint to execute trace-based tests.

We also have a short video quick start as well.

View the video on YouTube, here.

k6 Integration Update. We integrated with k6 in April of 2023. Now with updated support to leverage the Tracetest managed platform alongside your current k6 (Cloud) tests!

View the video on YouTube, here.

Community Highlights

Success Stories. Read about how our friends at Tyk are using Tracetest to level up their testing harness.

Upcoming Conferences.

  • FOSDEM 2024: On that note, I’m co-presenting a talk at FOSDEM 2024 with Sonja Chevre from Tyk. Learn more about the topic, here. Mark your calendars to meet in Brussels on February 3rd!

Past Conferences.

  • OpenSearchCon 2023: Ken’s recording is published! Check it out. 👇

Watch the video on YouTube, here.

Like what we do?

Do you have a specific use case you would like us to cover? Do you want to contribute to Tracetest?

At Tracetest, we welcome all contributions!

Not sure where to start? You can:

Thank you for being a part of the Tracetest community! We are committed to providing the necessary tools, knowledge, and resources to succeed in the field of tracing and testing. Let’s stay in touch and continue exploring. Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the coming months.

See you next month!


Developer Relations