Leverage Distributed Tracing

to Shine the Observability Light Inside Your Testing Black Box

Generate a Trace Response

  • Call your system via a test trigger to get the response and initiate the trace.
  • Use existing Cypress, k6, Playwright or Postman tests, or specify the trigger via HTTP, gRPC, Kafka or more.
  • OpenTelemetry, OpenTracing, and Zipkin headers are automatically attached to the triggering requests.
  • Tracetest's polling algorithm queries your existing tracing solution and gets the complete trace.

Tracetest Renders and Analyzes the Trace

  • Visually render the associated trace results.
  • Trace scoring finds problems with instrumentation,  missing attributes and naming conventions.
  • Identify potential security problems such as recording sensitive data, passwords, API key leaks, and more.
  • Create custom rules and enforce instrumentation standards across teams.

Build Assertions Against Response and Trace Data

  • Add assertions for status codes, business data, existence of spans, expected flow and performance.
  • Assertions target one or multiple spans such as verifying all MySQL calls finish within 100ms.
  • Snippet generator suggests the appropriate test for each service.
  • Integration tests that would take days can be created in minutes.

Run Observability-Enabled Tests as part of CI/CD

  • Run tests via Tracetest CLI in your existing CI/CD pipeline.
  • Tests are expressed in a clean, concise YAML format, enabling source control processes.
  • Enforce trace rules and rollback deployments if observability standards are not met.
  • Failed tests have a completed trace attached facilitating speedy root cause analysis.
Tracetest works with your existing tests, adding deeper testability and visibility to test results by leveraging your existing tracing solution. See integrations.