
Synthetic Monitoring: Proactively Ensuring Application Performance

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In today’s digital world, making sure your applications, websites, and APIs perform well is key to delivering a great user experience. That's where synthetic monitoring shines. At Tracetest, we’ve taken this a step further by combining it with trace-based testing, giving you unmatched visibility into how your systems work from start to finish. This proactive approach helps you catch issues before they ever reach your users.

What is Synthetic Monitoring?

Synthetic monitoring simulates user interactions to measure how your applications, websites, and services perform. These simulations, known as synthetic transactions, mimic real user actions like browsing a site, calling an API, or interacting with a service. By running these tests, you can find and fix issues before they impact actual users.

In short, synthetic monitoring helps you stay ahead by detecting problems early and ensuring everything runs smoothly.

How Synthetic Monitoring Works with Tracetest

Tracetest takes synthetic monitoring to the next level by combining it with trace-based testing. Most synthetic monitoring tools simulate user behavior, but Tracetest also captures distributed traces during those tests. This gives you deep insights into how your system works, making troubleshooting faster and easier.

Key Features of Synthetic Monitoring with Tracetest:

  • End-to-End Visibility: See every detail of your system’s performance by capturing distributed traces along with synthetic tests.
  • API Monitoring: Ensure your APIs work as expected by simulating real-world traffic and getting detailed transaction data.
  • Proactive Issue Detection: Spot potential issues early by running regular synthetic tests that mimic real user interactions.
  • Integrated Observability: Get full context by combining synthetic tests with distributed traces using tools like OpenTelemetry.
  • Holistic Performance Insights: Understand the complete flow of your application, from the user interface to the backend, and easily spot performance bottlenecks.

Explore how Tracetest’s synthetic monitoring works here.

What Synthetic Monitoring Means and Why It’s Important

Simply put, synthetic monitoring is about running automated tests that simulate user interactions to make sure your systems work smoothly. It’s all about being proactive—finding problems before users ever notice them. By testing in a controlled way, you can monitor performance, uptime, and overall user experience without waiting for real-world issues to arise.

This is especially helpful in areas like:

  • Synthetic Website Monitoring: Ensure your websites load quickly and function across devices and regions.
  • Synthetic User Monitoring: Simulate user actions like logging in, completing transactions, or interacting with content to guarantee a smooth experience.
  • Synthetic Transaction Monitoring: Test important processes, such as API calls or form submissions, to make sure they’re functioning correctly.

The Value of Synthetic Transactions

Synthetic transactions are the key to synthetic monitoring. These transactions simulate the steps a real user would take, like navigating a webpage or making a purchase. With Tracetest, you can monitor these transactions while also capturing trace data, giving you deeper insights into your system’s performance.

By running these tests regularly, you’ll know right away if something breaks or starts to slow down, keeping your systems running smoothly.

Why Tracetest for Synthetic Monitoring?

At Tracetest, we’ve made synthetic monitoring smarter by adding trace-based testing into the mix. This unique approach gives you more visibility and helps you solve problems faster than traditional monitoring tools.

Here’s why teams love using Tracetest:

  • Better Visibility: Capture detailed traces with every synthetic transaction, so you can see how your system works at every level.
  • Greater Reliability: Run synthetic tests to spot issues early, reducing downtime and improving performance.
  • Faster Troubleshooting: With trace data and synthetic tests combined, you have all the information you need to fix issues quickly.
  • Observability First: Tracetest makes it easy to build observability into your development process, so you catch problems before they reach production.

Using Tracetest’s synthetic monitoring helps you deliver faster, more reliable applications, and gives you the confidence that everything is running at its best.

Learn how to integrate Tracetest into your workflow here.


Synthetic monitoring is a powerful way to keep your applications running smoothly by catching problems before they impact users. With Tracetest, you not only monitor performance but also gain deep insights through trace-based testing, giving you a complete view of your system.

By combining synthetic transaction monitoring with distributed traces, Tracetest helps you troubleshoot faster and make sure your applications are performing at their best. Ready to take your synthetic monitoring to the next level? Check out our use cases here.

About Tracetest

Tracetest lets you build integration and end-to-end tests 98% faster with distributed traces. No plumbing, no mocks, no fakes – test against real data. Assert against both the response and trace data at every point of a request transaction. Validate timing of trace spans, including databases. Assert against side-effects, including Kafka and message queues. Save and run tests visually and programatically with CI build jobs. Get started with Tracetest for free and start building tests in minutes instead of days.

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