
Sumo Logic | Tracetest Integration

Sumo Logic provides best-in-class cloud monitoring, log management, Cloud SIEM tools, and real-time insights for web and SaaS based apps.

What does Sumo Logic Do?

Sumo Logic offers a cloud-based log management and analytics platform that enables organizations to collect, analyze, and visualize machine-generated log data in real-time. It helps businesses monitor and troubleshoot applications, infrastructure, and security events, providing valuable insights for operational efficiency and security.

How does Tracetest make Sumo Logic better?

Tracetest leverages the observability provided by the traces captured by Sumo Logic to quickly build tests across your distributed architecture. Tests created in Tracetest can verify not only against the response from calls to your system, but it can also verify all the underlying processes that are exposed in the spans collected in the trace that is created as a result of the triggering of the test. This enables a distributed test to be created to verify the entire flow across multiple microservices.

Power your trace-based testing with Sumo Logic and Tracetest

You can directly configure Tracetest to pull trace data from Sumo Logic when running tests - just select Sumo Logic as your data store after setting up Tracetest. You can leverage this trace data to build tests and assertions against every part of your distributed system.