
AWS X-Ray | Tracetest Integration

AWS X-Ray is a service developed by Amazon that allows developers to have a complete view of requests as they travel through an application, allowing the debugging and performance analysis of distributed, microservice-based applications deployed on AWS services.

What does AWS X-Ray do?

AWS X-Ray allows traces to be generated from a distributed system, collected, and recorded. It provides a dashboard allowing you to analyze issues and view a complete service map of your application.

How does Tracetest make AWS X-Ray better?

Tracetest capitalizes on the visibility provided by the traces stored in AWS X-Ray to allow teams to quickly build tests across their distributed, AWS-based architecture. Tests created in Tracetest can verify not only against the response from calls to your system, but it can also verify all the underlying processes that are exposed in the spans collected in the trace that is created as a result of the triggering of the test. This enables a distributed test to be easily created to verify the entire flow across multiple microservices.

This allows tests to be created on services deployed on many AWS services, such as EC2, ECS, Lambda, Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS and Elastic Beanstalk.

Power Your Trace-based Testing with AWS X-Ray and Tracetest

Tracetest allows you to select Amazon X-Ray as your trace data store via a simple configuration screen or via the CLI. Once configured, Tracetest can then pull the trace that corresponds to the test you ran, allowing you to have assertions that verify both the response and any of the data throughout the complete trace.

How do I get started using Tracetest with AWS X-Ray?